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Garcia, C. B. and Salzwedel, H. (1991): Structure of soft-bottom macrobenthos in shallow areas off the Caribbean coast of Colombia introducing a new analysis strategy. Estuaries and coasts spatial and temporal intercomparisons. ECSA 19 Symposium (M Elliott, J-P Ducrotoy, eds ) Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg, 239-249.

A strategy is presented for examining diversity and equitability patterns in macrobenthic communities based on profiles (k-dominance and Lorenz curves). The goal of the strategy is to reduce the ambiguity of ordering along gradients when using different diversity and equitability indices and to detect and statistically assess the existence of associations diversity and equitability and environmental parameters ‘Iwo data sets, from two areas off the Caribbean coast of Colombia, are used to test the behaviour of the strategy: one from the Ciénaga Shelf Area (between approximately 11° and 11°10’N and 74°2S’ and 74°10’W) and the second from the Coveñas Shelf Area (between approximately 9°30′ and 9°40’N and 75°44′ and 75°34’W) Matrix correlations, Ewens/Caswell neutral model analysis and the strategy presented here were found to produce complementary and consistent results. The analyses support the hypothesis that the activity of transporting and storing petroleum in the Coveñias Shelf Area is causing sub-catastrophic levels of e to the macrobenthos.