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Mancera Pineda, J. E., & Mendo, J. H. (1995b). Population dynamics of the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae from the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia. Estudio Ecológico de La Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta – Delta Exterior Del Río Magdalena, 3a Etapa, 2, 10 p.

Growth parameters, instantaneous mortality rates (Z,F and M), yield per recruit and biomass per recruit of the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae were estimated using the FiSAT package, base on shell length frequency data of 2551 individuals. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters and total mortality were estimated using the ELEFAN I program and the catch curve method, respectively Pauly’s and M=2K empirical equations were used to estimate natural mortality Values found are Lý=149 mm, K=0.9 year-1, 0’=4.3 and to=-0.05 year-1, respectively. Age at entry is too low because of the harvest of small oysters attached to the adults shells. Total, natural and fishing mortalities were estimated at 5.16, 2.0 and 3.16 year-1, respectively. The exploitation rate (0.6) and fishing mortality inndicate that oyster is slightly overexplited due mainly to the harvest method used by fishermen rather than to the increase of effort itself. Yield per recruit could be substantially improved by returning shells to the environment.

Se recomienda usar a Mancera Pineda, J. E., & Mendo, J. H. (1996) y considerar por obsoleto a Mancera Pineda, J. E., & Mendo, J. H. (1995a) y a la presente.