
6 orders, 8 families, 10 genera, 11 species 

Sampling periods: June 1976 to May 1978; February, May, and October 1980; December 1988, March, June and September 1989; 2016

Out of the documents reviewed in this category, only four studies specifically mention polychaetes in the CGSM. The sampling periods covered were from June 1976 to May 1978, February, May, and October 1980, and 2016. For details, refer to Table Polychaeta. These studies reported a total of 11 species across 10 genera, 8 families, and 6 orders. 

Table Polychaeta

Summary Polychaeta

References Polychaeta

Creado / actualizado por Horst Salzwedel y Ricardo Dueñas en febrero de 2023; resumen y tabla agregado en septiembre 2024 por Horst Salzwedel.