USL, INVEMAR, & CORPAMAG. (nd). Agreement of academic, research and technical collaboration between the University of Southwestern Louisiana and Corporación Autónoma Regional del Magdalena (CORPAMAG) and Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas “José Benito Vives e Andréis” (INVEMAR), Carta de entendimiento, unsigned draft, 3 p.


The agreement involves education, research, and technical and management assistance in the general area of Wetland Ecosystem Restoration but may be extended in the future, by mutual consent, into other fields of science and management. The University of Southwestern Louisiana agrees to obtain necessary expertise from State Natural Resource Agencies for the accomplishment of scientific and technical endeavors. Current specific topics include but are not limited to: a) Evaluation of the progress of PRO-CIENAGA in achieving specific goals and objectives; b) Cooperation and assistance in the research, technical, and management activities of PRO-CIENAGA shall include but not be limited to the following specific fields: 1) Monitoring of the project i) Ecological conditions ii) Operation of hydraulic structures 2) Mangrove ecology, restoration, and management 3) Ecological studies and modeling 4) GIS and data management