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Hammerson, G. A., Hladki, I. A., Lee, J., Ramírez Pinilla, M., Renjifo, J., Urbina, N., Vazquez Díaz, J., Cisneros-Heredia, D. F., Gonzales, L., Catenazzi, A., Nogueira, C., Schargel, W., Rivas, G., & Murphy, J. (2019). Oxybelis aeneus, Brown Vinesnake. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, e.T198390A2523934, 9.

Range Description: This species ranges from the Pajarito and Patagonia mountains in extreme south-central Arizona, United States, south through western, eastern, and southern Mexico (but not Baja California) and Central America to western Ecuador and northwestern Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and in the Amazon region of Bolivia, and Brazil (and perhaps Paraguay and northern Argentina) (Murphy 1997, Keiser 1982, Stebbins 2003). It is widely distributed in Colombia and Venezuela (including Isla Margarita)……