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Oxybelis aeneus

Hammerson, G. A., Hladki, I. A., Lee, J., Ramírez Pinilla, M., Renjifo, J., Urbina, N., Vazquez Díaz, J., Cisneros-Heredia, D. F., Gonzales, L., Catenazzi, A., Nogueira, C., Schargel, W., Rivas, G., & Murphy, J. (2019). Oxybelis aeneus, Brown Vinesnake. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, e.T198390A2523934, 9. Range Description: This species ranges from the Pajarito and Patagonia mountains in extreme south-central Arizona, United States, south through western, eastern, and southern Mexico (but...

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