Santos Martínez, A., & Viloria Maestre, E. (1998a). Evaluación de los recursos pesqueros (Nov-1993 a Oct-1995) de la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta y Complejo de Pajarales, Caribe colombiano . XII COLACMAR Congreso Latino-Americano sobre Ciencias do Mar, 2, 2.


This research was carried out in order to contribute with technical and scientific recommendations to reach a sustainable management of resources in the coastal lagoon Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta and
the Pajarales Complex – Caribbean Sea. In 1993 started the research program aimed at quantifying„ among others, the annual production of the main fish resources and the effect of fisheries, through the collection of catch and effort data. The total catch is represent by 50 fish species and 9 invertebrates species, and was estimate in 9978.9 t for the first year (November 1993 and October 1994) and 8923.6 t for the second one (November 1994 and October 1995).