Rueda, M., Blanco R., J. A., Narváez-B., J. C., Viloria Maestre, E., & Beltrán, C. S. (2011). Coastal fisheries of Colombia. En: S. Salas, R. Chuenpagdee, A. Charles, & J. C. Seijo (Eds.), Coastal Fisheries of Latin America and the Caribbean. 430p. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 117-126.


2.1 Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM)

The CGSM is an estuarine lagoon located on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. The ‘Pajarales complex’ (mangrove swamps) forms one of the largest coastal lagoon systems of the country (Figure 3). This ecosystem constitutes an important habitat for a wide diversity of fish fauna relevant to small-scale fishing, where there
were around 3 500 artisanal fishers, 2 300 canoes and a catch of 7 700 tonnes of fish
resources in 2000, contributing 35% to the small-scale catches of the Caribbean for that year (INVEMAR, 2003a). ……..