
Rivillas-Ospina, G., Maza, M., Restrepo, S., Lithgow, D., Silva, R., Sisa, A., Vargas, A., Sarmiento Erazo, J., Caes, J., Bolivar, M., Rio, R., Campo Rojas, E., Casas, D., & Rudas, D. (2020). Alternatives for Recovering the Ecosystem Services and Resilience of the Salamanca Island Natural Park, Colombia. Water, 12, 1513. From a comprehensive diagnosis of the associated basins, islands, and wetlands of the coastal lagoon system of Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia, this work...

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Gómez, J. F., Byrne, M.-L., Hamilton, J., & Isla, F. (2017). Historical Coastal Evolution and Dune Vegetation in Isla Salamanca National Park, Colombia. Journal of Coastal Research, 33(3), 632-641. This paper analyzes the relationship between coastal dynamics and vegetation over dunes in Isla Salamanca Road Park (ISRP), a biosphere reserve and Ramsar site located...

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Rivillas-Ospina, G., Silva, R., Mendoza, E., Avila, H., Daza, O., Berrio, Y., Builes, A., Ruiz, G., & Rueda, J. (2017). Coastal restoration on the Barrier Island of Cienaga Grande, Magdalena, Colombia. Australasian Coasts & Ports 2017: Working with Nature, 943-947.;dn=932448224434038;res=IELENG This paper considers the implementation of traditional, soft, green schemes to mitigate erosive processes, in the Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta coastal wetland. In this...

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Posada, B. O., Morales, D. F., Neiza, N., Idárraga-García, J., & Henao, W. (2010). Estudio batimétrico y sedimentológico de la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta y la plataforma somera al frente de La Barra de Salamanca. Rasgos geológicos de la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, la Barra de Salamanca y la Plataforma Continental Adyacente (Magdalena, Colombia). En Informe del Estado de los Ambientes Marinos y Costeros en Colombia: Año 2009, 35-54. Se presenta a continuación la información de las investigaciones realizadas sobre los aspectos físicos de las zonas costeras colombianas, llevadas a cabo durante el año...

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Gómez, J. F., Kwoll, E., Walker, I. J., & Shirzaei, M. (2021). Vertical Land Motion as a Driver of Coastline Changes on a Deltaic System in the Colombian Caribbean. Geosciences,11, 300, 1-20. To face and properly mitigate coastal changes at a local level, it is necessary to recognize and characterize the specific processes affecting a coastline. Some...

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Gómez, J. F. (2015). Dune and coastal evolution in Isla Salamanca National Park, Colombia. Tesis Master, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 142 p. This project analyzes natural variables influencing the coastal and dune evolution in Isla Salamanca National Park (ISNP), a biosphere reserve and Ramsar site located in...

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Erffa, A. F. von. (1973). Sedimentation, Transport und Erosion an der Nordküste Kolumbiens zwischen Barranquilla und der Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Mitt. Inst. Colombo-Alemán Invest. Cient., 7, 155-209. La costa norte de Colombia, entre Barranquilla y la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta ha sido escenario de cambios morfológicos en un pasado geológico reciente...

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